The Cromford Report

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The Cromford Report ...

is owned and produced by Cromford Associates LLC, an Arizona limited liability company managed by Mike Orr and based in Mesa AZ.

Mike holds a masters degree in Mathematics from the University of Oxford in England and spent 31 years in the computer industry, working for IBM, Amdahl, Splash Technology and the Santa Cruz Operation. In his most recent positions he was President of Tarantella and CEO of Mobilearia.

He first started investing in real estate in 1976 and left the computer industry to focus on real estate in 2002.


This database is in the form of a comma-separated variable (CSV) file which can be imported into Excel, Access or other program for analysis. The data is for Maricopa County properties only.

It details which properties are currently owned by lenders or government entities (e.g. Fannie Mae) following a trustee sale or similar deed.

The data provided for each property is:

  1. DATE - the date on which the Trustee Deed (or other deed) was recorded
  2. XFILE - the county recorder's reference number for the Trustee Deed (first 1 or two digits indicates the year)
  3. DEEDTYPE - the deed type by which the property was transferred (usually TD)
  4. BUYERCODE - current owner type - B for bank. G for government entity (e.g. Fannie Mae)
  5. BUYERFIRST - first part of current owner's name (e.g. Wells Fargo Bank)
  6. BUYERLAST - second part of the current owner's name (e.g. Fund LLC)
  7. PROPADDR - the property address
  8. PROPCITY - the property's postal city name
  10. PROPZIP - the property's ZIP code
  11. PROPFOUR - the property's ZIP+4 code
  12. PARCEL - the assessor's parcel number (APN)
  13. SALEPRICE - the last sale price on file at the county assessor's office
  14. SELERCODE - the type of owner who was foreclosed (C = company, M = man, F = woman W = married couple, etc.)
  15. SELERFIRST - first name of the trustor (former owner)
  16. SELERLAST - last name of the trustor (foreclosed party)
  17. SUBDIVISIN - name of subdivision
  18. BOOKMAP - county subdivision code - part one
  19. PAGE - county subdivision code - part two
  20. LOT - lot number
  21. BLOCK - block number (if applicable, older subdivisions only)
  22. CLASS_CODE - land use type (e.g. 131 = single family, 735 = condo/townhouse)
  23. FCV - Full cash value, assessed tax valuation
  24. LOT_SQFT - size of the parcel in square feet
  25. POOL_SQFT - size of any pool in square feet
  26. SQUARE_FT - living space in square feet, according to assessor
  27. YEAR_BUILT - year constructed
  28. MCR - subdivision code (combined)

This includes all properties believed to be owned by lenders, whether listed on ARMLS or not. The database is updated on a weekly basis. Properties are added after a trustee sale and removed when they are sold to a third party. Every effort is made to ensure accuracy but we do not guarantee the information contained is accurate or completely up to date as it changes every hour.

This spreadsheet may be downloaded by any current subscriber to the Cromford Report. The cost is now included in your regular subscription. You may download it as often as you please during your subscription. Once downloaded the spreadsheet may be used indefinitely. The database is copyrighted by Cromford Associates LLC and the Information Market Inc and is for your personal use only. It may NOT be duplicated or distributed without express written permission.

Please click here to download the file.

If you are not a subscriber you can download an old sample file for free here.

This report is in the form of an Excel spreadsheet with an analysis by price range. The market is divided into 22 different price ranges from "Under $25,000" to "Over $3,000,000". The data is for single family detached properties only.

The spreadsheet will help you identify how the different price ranges are behaving in terms of supply, demand, pricing, etc.

The data provided for each price range is:

  1. Price range definition
  2. ARMLS - Number of Active Listings including UCB/CCBS
  3. ARMLS - Number of UCB & CCBS lsitings
  4. ARMLS - Number of Active Listings excluding UCB/CCBS
  5. ARMLS - Number of Pending Listings
  6. ARMLS - Number of Under Contract Listings
  7. ARMLS - Sales per Month
  8. ARMLS - Sales per Year
  9. ARMLS - Average Cumulative Days on Market for Active Listings
  10. ARMLS - Average Cumulative Days on Market for Monthly Sales
  11. ARMLS - Days Inventory (excluding UCB/CCBS)
  12. ARMLS - Months Supply (excluding UCB/CCBS)
  13. ARMLS - Average $/SF for Active Listings (List)
  14. ARMLS - Average $/SF for Pending Listings (List)
  15. ARMLS - Average $/SF for Monthly Sales (Actual)
  16. ARMLS - Average Square Feet of Living Space - Monthly Sales
  17. ARMLS - Listing Success Rate
  19. ARMLS - Monthly Dollar Volume
  20. ARMLS - Annual Dollar Volume
  21. ARMLS - Percent market Share

All the above are for single family detached homes in Greater Phoenix.

This spreadsheet may be downloaded by current subscribers to the Cromford® Report. Once downloaded the spreadsheet may be used indefinitely. The spreadsheet is copyrighted by Cromford Associates LLC and is for your personal use only. It may NOT be duplicated or distributed without express written permission.

Please click here to download the file.

The latest version was created on February 5, 2025 and monthly figures are measurements for the month of January 2025.

If you are not a subscriber you can download an old sample file for free here.